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Order Entry (Part 2)

In this week’s video, we are going to be discussing part two of Order Entry.  Specifically, we are going to be discussing four more tabs: Order Notes, Front Counter, Prices, and Order Line Notes.  Some of these tabs are similar to tabs we have covered in older videos, however, others are different.  The tabs we discuss in this video are not required in order to use Order Entry, but they are helpful tools to use.  If this video sounds like it will add value to your life, check it out below!

New Content Coming

I want to use this post as a chance to announce that, starting next week, we will be posting videos on the all-new P21 Web Client!  With this exciting news, I want to let you know that for the next three weeks we are going to explore the Web Client with you.  The first video is all about the new layout and functions of the navigation menu and the new icons that have been added to P21.

Changes Coming

The Web Client is going to eventually be the version of P21 that the majority of companies use.  With this in mind, all of our future videos will be based on the Web Client.  Don’t worry though!  Everything that we do in the Web Client will transfer over to the desktop version.  The only huge difference will be how the windows look.  To be sure you don’t miss out on any Web Client videos, subscribe to our YouTube channel (click here).